Innovations in oral health and primary care integration to improve the oral health of the community
Even though dentistry and medicine have made a lot of rules about referrals and working together, most of them are for activities within each profession rather than for dentist-to-dentist coordination and networking. Integration of oral health into primary care is complex because of a lack of clinical knowledge, time, money, and staff support, among other things. In its report, the commission suggests several ways to improve patient integration. Integration of primary care is a new way to improve access to dental care. This model focuses on making it easier for patients to get preventive care and find problems with their oral health early on. It also wants to improve primary care providers' oral health knowledge and skills. The Center for Oral Health and General Health works to include oral health in primary care. The Center for Health Workforce Studies at SUNY Albany consists of the Institute. In July 2016, the Center for Oral Health and Primary Care Integration opened. It is one...